Posted in the HEART of the matter

Struggle is Real

Growing up, I already had a clear goal in my mind… to finish school, work (as a teacher) and live simply with family. 😌 I was just a very simple little girl and I did not really dream (initially) to be something extraordinary.

However, it seems that I attract circumstances that are beyond ordinary. My life (with my roles as the only daughter and sister, wife, mother and a doctor/pediatrician – among my many responsibilities) has become really busy, complicated, exciting, very challenging and oftentimes draining. πŸ₯Ί

Struggle has really been so real for me…

Nowadays, to say that I am experiencing challenges is an understatement… because I have been struggling with multiple and draining challenges, most of which are unexpected and beyond my control.

Everytime I feel like I’m drowning in my sea of struggles (like the past few days), I try and do my best but at the same time I surrender. I surrender to God’s loving sustenance. ❀️

Can I surpass these overwhelming tests? Alone, I can’t… but with God’s help and guidance, I believe I can and I will…. ☝️πŸ’ͺ

Keep me strong and focused Father.πŸ™

Let us lift all our burdensome worries up to the most LOVING heart of our BESTest FRIEND up there. β˜οΈπŸ™

Let us let HIM Guide us through… ❀️